Elsewhere No.02 - Launch on 15 September 2015

In case you missed the news - one week from today and we will be publishing the second edition of Elsewhere: A Journal of Place. We have begun taking orders for Elsewhere No.02 via the shop on our website, so if you want to be among the first to get your hands on it you can do so here:

Pre-order Elsewhere No.02

We will be celebrating the launch in our home city of Berlin with an event hosted by our friends at OstPost, an Eastern Europe culture centre and bookshop, with readings from the journal and conversation with some of the editors and writers. Our friends from the UckerMarker project, who we also feature in the edition, will also be there. 

The event begins at 7pm, and we will be hearing from the following writers as they read from the following stories: 

Orkney, Scotland by Amy Liptrot
"Every photograph is of the past. I'm not looking at Orkney as it is now - with a new season of crops, another year's growth - but the moment at which the satellite took the pictures. This is the wave that was captured to stand in place of all future waves."

The Night Train by Marcel Krueger
"We can watch the sun setting on the Hungarian Puzsta, or let the clack-clacking of the train rock us gently to sleep before we see the sun rise over the Carpathian mountains. The night train is, and remains, the budget airline of the flaneurs, the idlers and the romantics. It's time to get on board."

Cabo de Gata, Spain by Paul Scraton
“Centuries of human activity but I have yet to meet another soul, just the ghosts of the watchmen and miners, and the tracks of off-road motorcyclists, left in tire markings or lines of spilled oil, across which I kick white stones with my boots as I make my way down to the beach.

We hope you will join us in Berlin on the 15th September for our launch event - you can find out more information on the facebook page here.