Resisting Night
/Image by Pablo Ferrari,
By Andrea Ferrari Kristeller
I don’t want the dark wiping off the golden
still curling the rim of day
cloud-coloured bird-flocked
writing its sky music
I don’t want the sublunary stillness
of cold erased edges
frail lamps fail to window-frame
like a child refuses sunset, I tease light
to stay with poems even if the moon
is large and gentle and motherly
I sit until I can no longer
fight this failure to distinguish
so many folded layers that beauty
sets to rest in uniform black
I may go inside then, prepare a smell of soup,
deceive myself dreaming of dawn
in sheets of images, blurred
with forgetting
the relentless sinking of the light
while in silence stars speak to my resistance:
they only shine across dark paths
Andrea Ferrari Kristeller is an Argentinean teacher, writer and naturalist. She loves her teaching practice and the rainforest. Some of her poems have been published by The Avocet, The Dawntreader, Erbacce, ASEI Arts II anthology, “Flight of a Feather” anthology, Poetry Undressed, Braided Way, Poppy Road Review, The Heimat Review, SweetSmell, LastStanza and Seaside Gothic. She participated in the Tupelo Press 30x30 challenge in July 2023. Her nouvelle “The Land without You” was given an Honourable mention at Writers of the Future contest (2018), as well as her short story “The Broken Sphere”, (2023). “The Ghost at the Whites’ Hoté” was published in the anthology Haus, by CultureCult Press (2022); “Her turning into a forest” by the magazine Globally Rooted (2023), and “The Ocelot” and “Orion”, by Commuter Lit (2023/2024). Her short story “The Ghosts at Yazá Bridge” was published by 34th Orchard, in April 2024, while “The Flock” will be by New Myths in 2025.
The nouvelle “The Land without You” was published by Edunam, the Province of Misiones’ University Press in Argentina, in October 2023, and was chosen to represent Misiones at the Buenos Aires Book Fair in April 2024.
“The Land Without You and Other stories” was published on Amazon in June 2023, and its Spanish version “La Tierra sin Ustedes”, in September 2023.